Went to McCall for the end of the weekend. We put up a new ceiling fan, which is really cool. Also, the power went out. So the sprinklers didn't exactly work right. But the Hai worked like a champ. I hooked a speaker up so when the burglar alarm goes off it tells the burglar what room they are in. "Burglar alarm, front room, motion detector tripped, sending klingon death squad..." Pretty cool. Today I went hiking up east of McCall, up to a place called Louie Lake, and then up to the top of the Mountain, Jughandle. Louie Lake is a pristine, deep-blue lake that sits at 7,004 feet beneath Jughandle Mountain. Jughandle's elevation is 8,310-foot. Which was a bit of a hike, as it took four hours to go up (since I positively had to make my own path though the bushes and rocks), and two hours to descend (down the semi-steep rock slide). Anyway, I'm really sore now.