I've been continuing to read Will Durant's Story of Civilization: Reformation. I've also been working through the Disciplemaker, and Unceasing Worship. I also recently recieved my TMS Journal. The latest is a condensation of the faculty lecture series about the New Perspective on Paul. I really enjoyed perusing the thoughts and research of my former preofessors. As I had hoped they had a very language and grammar oriented historical/grammatical exegetical approach, with a special emphasis on context, and also on the presuppositions of the proponents of the NPP. I especially enjoyed how they picked up on the low view of Christ that the historical critical traditions which the main proponents of the NPP are steeped in. Their low view of the historical viability of the gospels and other new testament literature colors their perception of the second temple Judaism and its cultural milieu. Overall, it's been some good reading, though I haven't been reading as much as I'd like.
I've recently been playing Call of Duty 2. It's a first person shooter that is set in world war two. It's a very fun game with excellent graphics and world interaction. The controls and feel of the game are very similar to Soldier of Fortune 2, which was a long running classic among some of my friends. There are four nationalities you can play, with differing weapons for each, and as usual, some weapons are more used and effective than others.
The multiplayer is excellent, though it does not have punk-buster enabled, so prepare to get schooled by cheaters. that's a little sad, but the multiplayer is still fun in spite of that, which speaks volumes. It also doesn't support a joystick of gamepad, which is a little disappointing. Overall, however, it's a great game. I'd recommend giving it a try, if you like first person shooters.
I recently went galavanting around the northwest, and visited many old friends. Many of my friends anjoy videogames, so there was much Halo, Halo2, Soul Calibre 2, and the like. One friend had me playing several of his videogames, and one of the funnest™ was Katamari Damacy. It is one of those games that is pure Japanese invention. And it's pretty weird at that. But, it's infectious fun, and we had a great time rolling over everything. It has a smashing soundtrack, too.
Recently picked up a copy of The Silent Gondoliers, a tale by S. Morgenstern. The Gondoliers was written by William Goldman, the same author as the Princess Bride. It was a short book, but a fun read. Very much in the same vein of humor as The Princess Bride. I also am working on finishing The Seven Pillars. I picked up a copy of the 1962 epic movie, Lawrence of Arabia. Which I enjoyed watching that last night. Today, I drove up to McCall to help my parents stow their boats and jet skis, and saw a large black bear ambling across the road. I haven't seen one of those is a few years. I also went Jetskiing, to prepare the engines to be fogged. It was a absolutely beautiful day, and it was really fun to go, even though it is almost october, and a bit chilly outside for playing in the alpine waters.
Ported the majority of my website, running on Postnuke over to Drupal. The website should run considerably faster now. And also upgraded to Gallery 2.0. Overall, I'm pretty impressed by the comparative size and layout of Drupal. I really like the mod_rewrite function integrated into Drupal and Gallery 2.0. These two programs seem to work really well with each other. There are a few things to tidy up, but it shouldn't take forever.
Amid getting meowed at by the traffic, and people handing out what appeared to be tree shaped air fresheners but were really something quite different were some of my experiences in Philadelphia. Needless to say it was really great (especially thanks to my awesome tour guide)! It was also really, really hot. There was a heat index warning while I was there. There was also alot of walking involved, which was very reminiscent of my trapsing around the middle east. Some good friendships were founded, and some great restaurants were enjoyed! It was great to see the Benjamin Franklin? brand of pretty much everything. The Cicadas in the trees were a little unsettling, as I kept expecting rattlesnakes to fall out of the trees (as they sound rather similar).
h4x0r3d!My website was hacked for about 2 hours today. I recently upgraded and left an important file with the wrong permissions. Anyways, that's mostly remedied. I find it extremely humorous that some dingdong somewhere thinks my chronicles of adventures are worth defacing. Thank you Captain Stupid, for making me feel important.
Finished Worldy Saints again. It was a great book, and it was definately good to be able to go back absorb all the cool things I missed on the whirlwind read a few years back. Also read through the latest JETS journal that landed on my doorstep, among other things. I picked up a new book, Watership Down, by Richard Adams. It's about bunny rabbits. Or 'wabbits,' depending on your age level/annunciation. I've heard good things about it, so I'm excited to read through it.
A Gallery and Postnuke upgrade have made the website more flexible and user friendly. It should also be a bit faster. there has also been an advanced polls module added, with a few random polls.
So I'm going to visit Philadelphia in early August. They have Wawa's and Beau Monde. Philly apparently offers real Morrocan food, instead of the lesser Maruchan? alternative. Independence Hall, the Firehouse, and the Last Drop Coffeehouse all reside there, too. Absolutely splendid, really. But it's even better than that!
I've recently been reading, though not much, as I've been staying busy: Worldly Saints : The Puritans as They Really Were by Leland Ryken. I read parts of this book in Seminary and really enjoyed it. I picked it up as I was leaving seminary, and now have a chance to dive back in and enjoy it. I also recently picked up the book A Community of Character, by Stanley Hauerwas. A friend of mine said that he found it really interesting, and well written. It basically deals with Christian Ethics, but I haven't gotten far into it yet. An interesting Hauerwas Online website. I've also been reading the Grande Armee book I started earlier. It's a nice mindless historical distraction.
I've been interested in small cars for quite some time. I had a roommate in college who drove a Geo Metro, and it was actually rather impressive. He once got it to go over 100 mph. And then I had another roommate who had a Ford Aspire, and it was certainly fun driving that in Los Angeles traffic. However, I've never really been able to put my finger on why there are Geo Metro Convertibles. Maybe they are big in Europe? This super economy car doesn't seem to fit having a convertible top, in my mind. Nevertheless, I've spotted them off and on over the years. And it happened again the other day, and it was in a parking lot. And I parked my red mustang convertible right next to this red geo convertible. I guess our cars are convertible buddies. They kindof remind me of cars having Biplanes on their Trunks.
That the month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom and to burgeon. For like as trees and herbs burgeoneth and flourisheth in May, in like wise every lusty heart that is any manner of lover springeth, burgeoneth, buddeth and flourisheth in lusty deeds. For it giveth unto all lovers courage, that lusty month of May, in some thing to contrain him to some manner of thing, more than in any other month, for diverse causes: for then all herbs and trees reneweth a man and woman, and in like wise lovers calleth to their mind old gentleness and old service, and many kind deeds that was forgotten by negligence. The Knight of the Cart by Sir Thomas Malory.
I finished reading Thomas Jefferson on Democracy, which was an interesting read. It's a bunch of quotes taken from Jefferson's letters and such. Since he never bothered to deliver any large documents outlining his thoughts on such matters, other than the obvious group effort documents. It's some keen insight into how Jefferson viewed America and democracy. He is valued himself a Materialist, and his Humanism and Rationalism are quite evident. In light of his skepticism of everything, he still has that deistic 18th century worldview, that the founding fathers are famous for. I also finished The Great Gatsby. As the inventor of the 'Gat,' Gatsby will always be remembered in that aspect. Actually, it was a fun read. The style of the author was a bit interesting at first (being written in the twenties and all). There were a few prepositions and pronouns more than I expected.This reliance cannot deceive us, as long as we remain virtuous; and I think we shall be so, as long as agriculture is our principal object, which will be the case, while there remain vacant lands in any part of America. When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become corrupt as in Europe, and go to eating one another as they do there. (Jefferson, 70)
As of 04-24-2005, the Balm of Gilead will cease operations under the address of balm-of-gilead.org. This website will continue at it's current address of hettinger.us. The reason for this is the three year run of that domain name will be at an end, and the board of directors have decided not to renew this address.
I picked up a few books last saturday: Swords Around a Throne: Napoleon's Grande Armee by John R. Elting, and The Hunchback of Notredame by Victor Hugo. I'm a big fan of Les Miserables, but some of his other works, such as toilers of the sea are rather dark, and from what I hear, the hunchback is really of this flavor, and not the disney re-engineering. The Grand Armee book has been interesting so far. After reading War and Peace and Les Miserables, etc. Napoleon's tactics and the history of the period are really very interesting.
I finished up Augustine's treatise on predestination. An excellent read, and very informative, especially in light of all the work Calvin did on the subject. Or perhaps more precisely, it seems obvious that Calvin was heavily influenced by Augustine. A short read, but very good.
During the stint of time that I played Everquest with my very own account, I was frustrated by the sheer annoyances of the game many, many times. Often, your character would be headed somewhere, and a high level wandering monster would jump you, thus ensuring a long run for your character to get his stuff back. World of Warcraf, on the other hand, is one of the funnest online games I have ever played. There have been a small number of frustrating features/glitches, but overall, it is how a giant multiplayer games should be put together. The creators of the game have very creative senses of humor, too. So that when you are running around doing quests, the quests often allude to other games or real world celebrities. After playing for three months now, my character is almost at the current level limit.
I finished the White Company, which I found highly entertaining and a good read. The historical detail was rich, and the plot was good, and it had that charm that this famous author brings. I'm now a good ways into Sir Nigel which was written after the prvious, but is a a prequel. Kindof like episode 1,2,3 for starwars, exce this one seems better than the previous book so far.
In other news, I borrowed Andy's book, O'Reilly's Programming PHP . I've read some online stuff about PHP before, and so this is a good book. I'm more interested in getting versed in postnuke documentation, however, so I think that will be my next computer related research venture.
As of January 30th, 2005, the website has received 47675 hits since going postnuke. Thus, it's soon approaching its 50k page hit mark. Kindof exciting for having a website. It's funny to see that some of my mispellings in the website have brought some of that traffic, and also people using search engines for quotes I referenced have brought other traffic. I also have enjoyed using the postnuke PHP frontend and learning about MySQL. It's really a very powerful web hosting content management system.
I finished up Alamut. It was a great read, and makes one think alot about how philosophy and theology plays out in real life. It was well written and was an excellent example of how historical fiction should be written. The book was written before WWII, and you can see some different philosophical mindsets in the characters that really portray 20th century thought.
I've continued on reading Treasure Island, and now am almost finished.I've been enjoying it more now that the story has picked up and the voice is not so 'tabula rasa' matter-of-fact ignorant/skeptical. Is it necessary to explain why the character knows and doesn't know things? I guess so, but it makes it a bit tedious.
I've also got my hands on a copy of Wheelock's Latin, and have started to learn me some Latin. The English language is made of 60% latin words according to Wheelock, so this should be an insightful and enlightening experience.