September 19, 2008


I've been planning on making a pergola over our back porch for some time. Melissa has been looking around for some type of plant to grow on it. Earlier this summer, she saw a beautiful Wisteria laced pergola. So we have been thinking about what type of wisteria to put on our upcoming pergola, and found an excellent candidate: Amethyst Falls Wisteria wisteria frutescens.

A hardy North American wisteria variety that 'comparatively' doesn't run rampant and will hopefully flower after the first year. Not to mention that it's a beautiful variety. The plant also made the University of Georgia's 2006 Gold Medal Plants, which has pretty photos and snowball bushes, so it must be good.

September 18, 2008

Bicycling Meridian

Melissa and I have been going out bicycling of late. We've found several bike paths and carved large routes out of the neighborhoods that surround our own neighborhood. It's been fun to ride around and see all the construction of the last years and enjoy the summer and fall. I think Melissa has settled on planting a wisteria vine on our upcoming back porch pergola.

Books 9-18-8

My local library has a website where I can use my library card to request books from any of the consortium libraries. Those books will then be sent to my local library for local checkout. As a result of this streamlining and ease of finding books you're interested in, I've been doing more reading of late.
I finished Awakenings by Oliver Sacks, as well as Apple Confidential. I also finished the book, Masters of Doom, by David Kushner. A fun book about several computer video games that I've enjoyed.
I've started into reading The heart has its reasons; the memoirs of the Duchess of Windsor. The autobiography of the Duchess of Windsor. And I've also picked out A King's Story by the Duke of Windsor. Two autobiographies that should certainly complement each other.

September 2, 2008

Books and stuff 9-2-2008

I've been reading Awakenings, by Oliver Sacks. It's interesting to see such a unique perspective form so many different angles: Modern medicine's relatively small grasp of the human mind, chemical interelationships with disease, people waking up from forty years of virtual non-existence. Overall, it is kind of a darkly realistic book that shows man's limitations and finite existence. I've also finished Apple Confidential 2.0 By Owen W. Linzmayer, a book detailing much of the early history of the Apple computer and spin doctor Steve Jobs. I also picked up from the library and plan to read iWoz by Steve Wozniak. An autobiography about his grapplings with technology, and how these have benefited all of us computer users.