January 7, 2006

Books 1-7-6

     I recently finished up Unceasing Worship, which was an excellent read.  I'd give it five stars, and am planning on writing a little more about it.  I also was recently given a book by a friend of mine who is academic dean for Trinity Bible College, Nigeria.  He gave me Fear and Trembling by Søren Kierkegaard.  We also had a discussion about how much existentialism Kierkegaard actually displayed in his theology.  Apparently, according to my friend's masters thesis, it is less than usually accredited.
     Also recently picked up To End All Wars, by Thomas J. Knock.  I've been a fan of president Woodrow Wilson for quite some time, he seems like a rather enigmatic leader of America, and was also a scholar and had some good insight into the American Constitutional system, particularly the abuse of congressional commitees.  Woodrow was also the president of Princeton before becoming president of the United States, and is the only president to have ever earned a doctorate degree.  
     Another book I recently got is Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller.  I've had several friends and acquaintances say how much they enjoyed this book, I'd say it's like Vonnegut meets Christianity.  It was a bit flippant at points, and it even has pictures similar to Vonnegut.

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