August 25, 2013

Reading 8-2013

I've been back to reading a fair bit of Terry Pratchett.  Such books as The TruthThief of Time, Hogfather, Unseen Academicals.  I also picked up a book called Pigeon English, by Stephen Kelman.  Initially, I had high hopes for the book, but the more I've read, the less enthused I've been on this book.
I have some books lined up to read in the coming months. A friend mentioned that he read the book Wool (Omnibus Edition), by Hugh Howey, and really enjoyed it, so while it was on sale, I picked it up on Amazon.  And I am waiting on the library to furnish up a copy of  Witch Wraith, by Terry Brooks.  This is the last of a three part series that takes place in the Terry Brooks universe.
I will be teaching a Bible Study Methods / Hermeneutics class, so I'm getting up to speed by reading the appropriate books, and arranging a curriculum.

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